nfl carolina panthers

charlotte, north carolina


bank of america stadium renovations

panthers logo.png

bank of america stadium

client:  nfl carolina panthers

scope:  75,525 seats

cost:  $24,000,000

aor:  m p s

services provided: 

sports design


opened:  2015


Renovations included the addition of new extra wide escalator bays at the three existing gate entrances, renovations of the team meeting spaces, and creation of a new dramatic pregrame player entry.  The concourse expansion components were built along the existing facade of the stadium, helping maintain the venue's original aesthetic.

key Components:

  • concourse expansion

  • ingress and egress of spectators

  • players field entry

  • teams training and operation center

related project:

japan sports council


*eric j einhorn worked on the bank of america stadium renovations while employed as director of sports architecture with another firm; m p s
(see legal)